then I grew up in the West of the United States – in eastern Wyoming. I went to college in Arizona, met my soul mate there and settled in Denver, CO for a few years as we started our life together. I started getting really interested in photography when we moved to Brussels, Belgium for four years. We didn’t know the language, had never been overseas before and were in way over our heads. Good thing we were young and foolish. And brave, and in love, and obsessed with the idea of seeing the world a bit.
When we returned to the U.S., we continued to travel and work all around the Midwest and Northeast. Finally, we decided it was time to decide…”where did we want to live, what did we want to do, and how could we make that happen?”
Again, it helped to be young-ish and foolish and pretty brave – we ended up on the West coast in the beautiful Pacific Northwest and have been here ever since. We work, we play, we enjoy our passions – restoring old things, rescuing needy cats and dogs, gardening, photography and digital art, nature, the coast in winter and a good coffee or tea on a rainy afternoon.
I don’t know if this blog or these pieces of art will amount to much more than me sharing something with the world and meeting some new friends along the way. All I know is that it’s wicked fun to take a road trip with my camera, my dog and my Jeep and see what’s waiting at the end of the highway or a dirt road byway.
Thanks for stopping by and giving my work some time and attention. Much appreciated.